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Friends Having Coffee

Ending Relational Poverty

Join the Storehouse Movement

The Storehouse Movement is a 501(c)3 non-profit Christian ministry dedicated to ending relational poverty in our lifetime. Through online and in-person peer groups, training, and content, we broker deep relationships that accelerate whole-of-life prosperity, Kingdom impact and city transformation. Join the movement of leaders in the body of Christ building relational wealth and thriving communities.

What is relational poverty?

All trendlines show a marked deterioration of human connectedness, both in and out of the body of Christ. This is concurrent with, and actually hardwired into, a rampant self-identity crisis.  Relational poverty is the primary obstacle to accomplishing the Great Commission.

God, through his Word, makes it clear that relational wholeness is His design. And Jesus, through the cross, makes ending relational poverty possible. This means the Great Commission is a relational mandate.

Biblical Reasons to Choose Relational Living
  • God himself chooses to live in community as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. (1 John 5:7-8)

  • God instituted marriage because it was not good that man be alone. (Genesis 2:18)

  • God is preparing us to sit as members of his divine council. (1 Corinthians 6:3)

  • Jesus gave His disciples all the power and authority of the Kingdom, and yet still always sent them out in community. (Luke 9 & 10)

  • We are commanded to stir up love and good deeds, not forsaking meeting together. (Hebrews 10:24-25)

  • Jesus prayer in the Garden that we would reflect the relational wealth of Him and the Father. (John 17)

  • The early church received the power of the Holy Spirit while gathered together. (Acts 2) 

  • There are 59 "one-another" verses in the Bible.

  • There are 27 exhortational "each other" verses in the New Testament.  

What happens when we end relational poverty?

We become fully alive and see the Kingdom of Heaven manifest more fully on the earth. 

Personal Growth

Investing in the right kind of relationships reinforces who we really are through improving our emotional intelligence, spiritual stature, character/maturity and span of influence.

Resilient Disciples

As we give and receive freely in our relationships, we alter our brain chemistry to become more resilient and recover quicker from life's disruptions. 

Kingdom Accomplishment

Our relationships directly influence our ability to accomplish our individual and group mission. Unencumbered, we now go exponentially further and faster then if we were to try it alone.

What about you?

Studies clearly demonstrate that resilient Christians purposely connect their discipleship & community with their mission & vocation. Where are you on this journey?

Join the Movement.

Together, let's end relational poverty for good. We are committed to providing Christians with the tools they need to build and maintain thriving relationships. Experience all God has designed you to be so you can create meaningful impact in your community. Join us as we eradicate relational poverty in the church and the world.

Virtual Meeting

Relationship Kickstarter
Unlock God's design for relational wholeness with other Christians.


  • 70-minute Online Zoom Session meeting weekly for 14 weeks

  • Relational self-assessment and progress tracking

  • Content curated to accelerate your personal and relational growth: Mission & Identity Discovery, The Power of Story, Conflict Resolution, The Scripture and Science of Hesed, & Repentance & Healthy Correction.


Friends Talking

Relational Investment Groups
Nurture ongoing relational wholeness with a core group of trusted peers.


  • 60-minute zoom meeting weekly with a cadre of your peers.

  • Freely give from your areas of strength and grow from the strengths of others.

  • Tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.​

Speaker in front of a Crowd

Individual or Group Consulting
Incorporate relational wealth practices into your business, church, or organization.


  • Dedicated time with one or more Subject Matter Experts.

  • Access to our Relationship Kickstarter content.

  • Personalized training and application for your relational context(s).

Get Started for Free

Sign up for our Free 14-week Relationship Kickstarter by completing the form below.

Friendly Conversation

Greg - SVP Strategic Partnerships at Careington International

"My group's stories have challenged me to step up and maximize my Kingdom intentionality for the rest of my days."

Our Team

Meet the practitioners stewarding the Kingdom's relationship movement through brokering relational wholeness.

Our Partners

Team Concepts Logo

Win Your Wars

In His Name HR logo
Win Your Wars Logo

© 2023 by The Storehouse Movement


The Storehouse Movement is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, and all contributions are tax deductible to the extend allowed by law. 
P.O. Box 540782
Omaha NE 68154

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